Wednesday, July 05, 2006

On the Potty

Actually on the subject of the pottys or WCs or toilettes here in Europe. We lead a boring life in North America I have discovered from travels this year, our potty life is somewhat, there is always a challenge to sort, a button to find, a lock to decipher. What excitement, new neural pathways created daily. In Paris you pay a euro, sometimes for a nasty bathroom, then sometimes it is free, the public street bathrooms, but then you have to wait while they do an automatic full shower sanitize between each person, don't get stuck inside on the rince enter, it is clean but dripping...on the roadside stops, sometimes they are the bowls in the ground that you crouch and aim, luckily Jacquie and I had training in this earlier this spring in Japan. Don't call them bathrooms or washrooms when asking, they will look at you strange and assume you want a bath, as both rooms are separate here, toilet from bathroom. The ever present bidet, always a source of interest quite frankly to moi.

The most interesting is the actuators. You could push a small dicrete button, pull a chain, pull a metal rod, push a rectangular box, almost flush with the wall behind the potty basin. Then there is my favorite...many have the big button and the small button...are you with me? For big action or small action.

Ahh the cultural things we learn when happiness is with all the water we are drinking, they are plentiful! From Roma....chaio...KB


Blogger S said...

LMAO Just wait til you see some of the pottys in India! Girl! LOL

Course, since were going by Frankfurt, we dont get to see the cool bathrooms in the airport in SIngapore and Seoul...

See you! Have fun!

9:01 PM  

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