Friday, July 14, 2006

Paris on Friday

We leave tomorrow! Sigh...but will be happy to be home! Merci Sophie and Gratie Barbara for your comments - fun to hear all perspectives!

Was very busy today in Paris with the holiday and we poked around for a few hours on the Champs d'Elysees and the neighborhood around the Paris Opera, Coco had her picture taken with some French Military Service men on a tank...she was thinking it was pretty cool to crawl up on that tank - she uses her repetoire of French words unfailingly - if she visits Gioavanna and Marc and cousins next summer with Jacquie in Paris - she will be bilingual as she is without fear!

Hot and tired we headed back to hotel near the airport and packed. Kids in the pool now swimming we will hit the sack relatively early and head out tomorrow. Thanks for reading our blog - will sumit the final chapter from San Francisco and add a few more photos as well.

Hugs - Bonjour - Caio - KB


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