Monday, July 10, 2006

The shed at the bottom of the hill and more musing

Marco's Grandfather's barn which Vincenzo and his son Gabriele (cousin from Fallo), Piero (cousin From Rome) and Paolo (From Rome) are renovating. Tools his grandfather used and basket he made, who knows how long ago, we put outside to photograph.

Musing.. on email....I remember when a friend of mine from University travelled around the world in the early 90's - I had to post mail to the Canadian Embassy where she and her husband would be planning for the mail to arrive before they were in those cities so they could recieve their mail...It is very fun to be on the road posting stories and hearing back from people almost instantaneously!

Musing on the potty...more potty talk, my Italian cousins were amused with the potty talk on the blog and told me stories of going to Canada and life without a bidet..which they sorely missed...we also laughed about all the variety of Italian flush almost got me the other way to make it flush - so I gave up and started washing my hands...when I bent down to pick up my purse there was a tiny tiny little button under a shelf...could that possible be it...I could not resist and tried it...heaven above if the darn thing didn't flush...and today in the autostrade stop called...yes my favorite autogrill this time...outside Padua...autoflush...but be careful there is this sanitizing spray and I wasn't quick enough...spritz on the... ahhh what they don't put in guide books...

KB in Venice


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