Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ligurian Sea, Gulf of Genova, Finale Italy

In Finale ...which is just past border into Italy on the coast - went thru Nice and Cannes today - crazy neat scenery - these miles of aquaducts... er I mean viaducts... as you enter Italy - funny because now cannot speak the lingo---but lots of english at least a little -found a cute hotel with a 5 inch long key that includes breakfast and beds for 4 for $120 euros so a good deal.

Didnt talk about soccer yet - it is what everyone eats, sleeps and breathes. Anyone on the street can tell you the score at any time and who plays who next , every restauant and store has a TV brought in and plays is - at a goal the waiters stop and cheer or jeer or dance - it is crazy! Less hot that Avignon the 110 degrees was getting to us down to 95

Andiamo ...chiao KB


Blogger S said...

Wow sounds like you are having a good time. Hannah got Cocos postcard today.....

Have a good time!


7:34 PM  
Blogger S said...

Im sure Alice is having a wild party in your house, guys...

Karen, read your email from me!!!!

8:32 PM  

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