Thursday, June 29, 2006

From Carponeto, northern Italy

Wednesday June 28th we woke in Finale and breakfasted at the hotel - it is a residence type hotel for many who then spend the days at the beach 400meters from the hotel. So they have asigned tables and leave their highchairs for children or favorite water or wine at the table to have from meal to meal.

We hit the beach and rented two chairs and an umbrella for 6.5euro ($7.8) well worth it as not only hot so umbrella welcomed but then in a quieter part of the beach. There is a part where you don't pay and that is packed, a spot for dogs and then a spot where you pay. As you sit there these guys come along and have T-shirts, hats, sunglasses, purses to hawk. Not too invasive though. A little boy came by playing the acordian for money and the lifeguard jumped off the chair and kindly sent him on his way for disturbing us - though we were enjoying it - but he might have been 10, not very old. It was a beach where tops were worn but if you needed to change tops or rearrange things very liberal to take off one top and hunt around in your sack for another top then put that on. Tan lines are not encouraged so they kept tops off while lying down.

We found a grocery store and bought bread and fruit for the drive to Northern Italy where we are going to see Marcos aunt and family. It is so beautiful while driving - many vistas of the ocean, houses on hills and many immense green houses - not sure what is grown there. Off to meet the family!

Thursday June 29th - In a tiny town in northern Italy south of Milan - Marcos Aunt and her two daughters and his Uncle and family live here. We met all last night - his cousins speak quite a bit of english so I got along fine - he was doing so great in Italian - but he was sweating up a storm he said remembering words - sure sounded great to me! This is Marcos Moms family. They loved the girls and his Uncle went out and got 10 varieties of gellato since Coco said she liked them all so she could try a little of each! We stayed at a hotel Wed night with AIR CONDITIONING aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh very rare but had best sleep ever.

Today going to Marcos grandfathers house to see it and then on to Pisa (leaning tower for sure!) and Lucca and then Florence before seeing his aunt in Perugia and cousins in Rome.

chaio! KB

Alice thanks got your note re house, thanks for update, Susie thanks for your update that Alice was having a party every night.... and god love Sitto taking care of vagabond, run away Chance - gratie KB


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