Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Perugia, Assisi, Derutta

Made it to Perugia using a mapquest version for Europe called Mappo which Marco and I call Crappo now...as it has lead us astray several times! We circled Perugia and then went up to the hilltop town looking for his aunts place...we keep circling, circling and voila...eventually we find it! This was also the case with Tia Carolina. Her condo is beautiful with tile floors and high ceilings. They have lived there since 1984, she is alone now and kept up a steady stream of Italian. She is fun and lively and so acomodating. Niente she says all the time. Like no big deal, dont worry about that spill. Perugia is built on a hillside and was a fortress in the mountain, much of the town was in the mountain. You park below and take 4 very long elevators to get to the Piazza. You are inside this amazing fortress, currently they had a photo and music expo from South Africa inside. We toured around then had some pizza of course!

It is hotter than heck, we drip sweat when we sleep!

side note: We had forgotten, or I had forgotten my toiletries bag in Lucca, we had so much going on at departure it just got left, so they are forwarding to Rome, no problemo, more Italian hospitality.

Assisi is the most wonderful place. It touched me greatly. St Francis has always been my favorite of the saints, so to be here and walk where he walked and hear his story again, so touching and humbling. I lit candles and said prayers here for friends and family. Mount Subasio is the location of the double basilica expresses the message of St. Francis. A weathy son from Assisi who turned away from worldly goods to be attentive to God, man and all of creation. The cathederal is 3 layers, one on ground level and one above and his crypt below. Alters in all three layers are perfectly aligned. An earthquake in the last 10 years damaged the upper cathedral somewhat and some of the frescos are missing portions. The Italian gothic style of arcitecture is so much more light and heartfill than cathedrals we saw in France.

Photo from historicdocuments.com

On then to Derutta. Derutta is a locale that specializes in the Derutta style of Italian ceramics. One of Marcos cousins Pino and his wife Silvia own a ceramics manufacturing facility here. Silvia's father was one of the artists taught this style from a travelling Russian and from this russian an industry and town was born. We bought many things and spent many euros here! Pino is shipping it for us directly to San Francisco thankfully! They toured us of the plant and Silvia showed us how to paint in the style. They let Coco paint a plate - she was in heaven! Also had the best coffee ever as Pino is evidently known for his coffee - he says he has something to retire to...a barista! They work 7 days a week and dont seem to stop much.

From their website http://www.maiolichepeccetti.it/

Off to Rome!


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