Saturday, July 01, 2006

Friday in Lucca

Marco and I wandered into Lucca early in the am to do our laundry and could not bear to pack up and hit Pisa today - just too tired so decided to stay in Lucca and just enjoy. When we fished the laundrey we headed back to get the girls ( a 5-10 min walk, we could not take car inside the walls of Lucca - impossible to park - so stayed just outside walls) They were happy and we walked back to Lucca and rented bikes (2.5 € for 1 hour each) and rode around on the walls of Lucca - there are 3 walls from various years of fortification - they have turned this into a beautiful walk/bike path that is as wide as a road and we had time to circle the city twice in an hour. You get a great overview of the city this way. But after an hour we were ready for lunch and water! Photo on wall looking towards interior of Lucca

We shopped some in the pedestrian mall and the girls and I climbed the 220 stairs up the clock tower and had an amazing view of the city. Marco had done Sacre Coeur and was ready to not climb tiny staircases to dizzying heights! Top of tower overlooking Lucca

They headed back to the hotel but I wanted to see the Museum of the Cathedral in Lucca. There were achitectural finds which according to

"Archaelogy in Europe - unearthed evidence of a Roman presence long before the traditonal date of Roman settlement in 180 BCE - corroborating Roman historian Livy's account of the great Carthaginian general Hannibal passing through Lucca in 217 BCE ."

It was amazing and very spooky to be under the cathedral with just another French couple looking at a tile floor from 735 A.D and column elements from 100 B.C. The DaVinci Code in mind I was spooked enough to high tail it up to the main floor after I realised the French couple were no longer down in the dark digs with me! (Photo by Art Serve as no cameras allowed in Cathedral)

Back home to watch the first soccer game, then a swim then out for dinner.

It was so fun to watch Italy play in an Italian restaurant in Lucca - everyone get so excited and with Italy winning well...the car horns were beeping.

Today to Pisa then to Perugia as we have nixed Florece - could not get reservations in any of the museums we wanted and think we will just move on - maybe add Venice in at the end since we have more time. Plus will be fun to see Tia Carolina and be in a house again.

Chaio from Lucca - KB


Blogger S said...

Now see that's a perfect example of why we are altering our schedule in India...just gotta take it


7:14 PM  

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